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The Spirit of Allah

a musical about Ruhollah Khomeini and the Iranian Revolution

Posted by Jew from Jersey
15 July 2003

Scene14. “The den of spies”

Students, American hostages, peasants and townspeople

[Spotlight on the town. One of the houses has an American flag on it. A cardboard image of a marine stands guard. A bunch of students approach, dressed like hippies, carrying peace signs and others that read “Death to America” and other slogans.]

First student [resembles Chong from “Cheech and Chong,” regarding marine]: Hey man, this guy looks like a pig, like, can you dig it?

Second student: They’re all a bunch of Imperialist pigs cuz, like, they won’t send the Shah back so we can have an impartial trial and stuff, man.

Third student: Like, who gives a fuck about the fucking Shah, man. Like, I mean, what about all the money they’ve been stealing from us for years, man.

Second student: Like, who cares about money, man, it’s all a capitalist rip-off, dude.

First student: Well, anyway, they’re all a bunch of pigs, man.

[Peasants and townspeople gradually gather and stare at the students.]

First student: Well, anyway, man, let’s, like, do something. Cuz, like, I been cutting too many classes lately to just cut classes and like, not do anything.

Second student: Like, who gives a fuck about classes, man. Like, that’s just an imperialist rip-off, man.

Third student: Maybe there’s money in there, man. Like, spies always have money.

Second student: They’re spies all right, man. They’re all spies, like. And imperialists.

First student: And pigs, man.

Third student: Spies!

Second student: Imperialists!

First student: Pigs!

[Students, townspeople, and peasants take up chant. They push over the cardboard Marine and storm the embassy. Music begins. They come out with hostages (also cardboard) who are trussed and blindfolded, carrying them like trophies.]

[Music stops.]

Crowd [deliberately]: Marg bar Amrika! ( = “death to America”)

[Music Resumes.]

Scene13 << The Spirit of Allah >> Scene15